Skill Boost 2023 - Information Dashboard
10 Hours of Training Delivered
Renowned Trainers

Created immense value for the growth of individuals in Sri Lanka by providing their training services for FREE.

Recordings and Exam Link (Request Access)​
Passed the Final Exam and Received Certificates with 8 Best Achievers Receiving Scholarships
Project Output Value
Sri Lankan Rupees

Highly Demanded Webinars + An Artificial Intelligence training valued at USD 3,000 in Foreign countries.

Registered Participants
+ Received the Training in 2023
Skill Boost 2023 - Best Achievers for Scholarships

A Certificate will be issued for those who attend all webinars.

Skill Boost 2023 - Program Schedule
Overview and the Concept of Skill Boost CSR Project

Skill Boost is a social initiative by Ocean Bridge International (OBISL) and a vision of Michael Ranuka Gamage that aims to provide free and low-cost training and development programs to help people boost their skills and careers. It is designed to cater to the needs of people from all walks of life, regardless of their age, gender, or educational background. The program offers a wide range of skill developments that cover various topics. This social responsibility project is enriched by experienced professionals who are experts in their respective fields.

The importance of Skill Boost lies in its ability to help people to improve their employability and enhance their career prospects. In today’s fast-paced world, where technology is rapidly evolving, it is essential to keep up with the latest trends and developments. Skill Boost provides an opportunity for people to learn new skills and stay relevant in their respective fields.

Please feel free to have a chat if you wish to join as a participant or join the panel of resource persons. Let’s build a better future, one skill at a time.

Sample Certificate for Skill Boost 2023 (Verifiable and Sharable in Social Media)